
Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! Despite whatever arguments people make about this holiday being a plot by the card companies or an over-commercialized date night, I like that love gets its own special holiday. As can be said for most holidays, the values that we associate with this one should be esteemed and upheld all year round, not just around the middle of February. But sometimes we all need a reminder.

Here are some romantic and lovely Valentines that I've made over the years. Much as I try to resist the commercialization of anything, I do like to indulge in some of the joy that comes hand in hand with certain holidays. Send a dear friend a sweet homemade Valentine. Make a decadent chocolate dessert for the 14th. At the very least, spend Valentine's Day with the one you love or your friends who are still looking for love.

This is an image I found on Tumblr that inspired a whole host of ideas for Valentine's Day cards and crafts. I love the use of the anatomical heart and the inclusion of the map detail. So sweet!

Have you made any Valentine's lately? How are you going to spend the big day? Mike and I picked our wedding rings out a few weekends ago but we're planning on making the big purchases tonight and having a nice quiet dinner at home. Hope your holiday is lovely and full of love!


  1. Happy V Day. :) I am lucky if I get flowers tonight from my husband..

  2. i got to help my nieces do their class valentines this weekend...so much fun!!

  3. NOW that's the kind of Valentine I am talkin' about... That has true meaning... I do think u would make those even if the 14th of Feb. wasn't designated..

  4. Very sweet! You're quite the crafty card maker...thanks for the inspiration!

  5. These homemade cards are WAY cooler than Hallmark! Love them.

  6. cards are the one thing i always forget to make for any holiday or birthday!
    these are so sweet :)


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