
Weekly Recap

Monday: I spent much of my Labor Day sifting through and reorganizing my bookshelves. I must say, I was pretty proud of the results!

Tuesday: My garden just keeps on giving and I couldn't be happier (or more surprised!). I harvested a few beautiful eggplants this week and will probably have a couple more in the new few days.

Wednesday: My new charge! He is easily one of the cutest dogs I've ever taken care of and I couldn't be happier about it!

Friday: Dinner of champions! Homegrown green tomatoes and eggplant with oregano, basil, mozzarella, and a fried egg.

Saturday: Mike and I were playing around on PhotoBooth with Louie in our laps. We were pretty proud of ourselves when we finally got a picture in which she was still, even if she wasn't actually looking at the computer.

Sunday: Went with my mom to the local Fall Arts and Crafts Festival. While browsing the offerings, we hit a great antique store and I found this great autumnal candleholder. It was just the thing to get me even more excited about the coming season!


  1. all your food looks delish!

    and i cant wait to hear about your trip to peru - i would love to do that next summer!

  2. Your eggplant looks beautiful. I cannot wait to see how my garden turns out and luckily I live in AZ where we get 2 growing seasons. :D


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