
The Week in Review

Since the start of the new year I have found myself to be particularly busy. Usually when my schedule is so packed, leaving little time for myself, I grow overwhelmed, but thus far in 2011 it's been fairly pleasant.

I said my goodbyes to my little sister Leanne on Monday night (she's off to Germany for a four-week study abroad trip). On Tuesday, I inadvertently went out to eat by myself when my friend Autumn inadvertently slept through our dinner date. Though I was pretty worried since I couldn't get in touch with her for a solid 45 minutes, I tried my best to enjoy the delicious beet and portabello mushroom salad I ordered at Teavolve. Luckily I heard from Autumn during the course of my meal and she quickly joined me for after-dinner tea.

Adorable tea tins Autumn gave me for Christmas

Hibiscus pina colada tea leaves... these smell like heaven!

On Wednesday I was reunited with my college friend, Bilqis, and we went to see an interesting talk about Daniel Tucker and Amy Franceschini's new book called Farm Together Now. The book profiles 20 different groups from all across the nation who are challenging the way we think about food, its production, and its distribution. Each photo-essay included focuses on the sustainable and alternative methods the farmers in question use to yield sustenance and there is something to learn from each and every group profiled. Though I've yet to read the book, it was a really interesting gathering and great to hear about a lot of the urban agricultural work going on in and around Baltimore. Keep your eyes and ears out for a review of the book - I'm hoping to get my hands on a copy soon!

The words relaxing and wonderful pretty much defined the rest of my week and the weekend - baking bread, getting a relaxing massage, having a delicious dinner double date, and spending Sunday with an old friend. Susan came down from Delaware and we had a lovely time exploring the quirky shops of historic Ellicott City, dining at the gourmet Pure Wine Cafe, and sipping warm chai teas in my favorite local coffee shop, Bean Hollow. We had a lovely day despite the cold, though my camera's batteries failed me and I have no images to show from the day.

The Digster

Fragrant jars of cardamom

Coriander and fennel seed - the makings of chai deliciousness!

My idea of the perfect (post-run) breakfast: peanut butter & agave toast with blackberries, cherries, and chocolate milk!

As you can see, I've been working on taking more photos as I had hoped to in the New Year. But it seems that most of the time when I feel compelled to take my camera out, it is either to capture a delicious meal or a cute moment of Digby's. I can't really help but want to photograph the delightful things I eat and the adorable things Digby does, try as I might.


  1. the teas look wonderful... getting ready for a run myself and that looks like some delicious pre-run fuel!!!

  2. mmmm your pina colada tea leaves sound and look delicious!


  3. hi! thanks for stopping by my blog :) i look forward to catching up on yours...looks delicious so far!

    oh and i can only assume by your blog title that you're a wilco fan??? me too! (hope that's what it means, or else i just look like a dummy now :))

  4. Thank you everyone for visiting and your kind comments!

    And Stephanie - Yes I am a Wilco fan and I'm so glad that somebody else recognized and acknowledged it!

  5. what a yummy, colorful plate! delicious :)

  6. I need to get my hands on that book too! It looks absolutely incredible and there's nothing I love more than learning about food and where it comes from.


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